When I came to Al-Anon I heard people talk about a loving Higher Power who was always ready to help us. I would recite the Serenity Prayer, thinking that was enough for my spiritual growth. As I meditated on the Twelve Steps, I couldn't understand the real and profound essence of Steps Two and Three. I felt very confused. Although I asked my Higher Power to express Himself in some way, to come and help me, I didn't feel a real and intense contact with Him.
Meanwhile, I had been able to think of myself and of my welfare more often, but the situation got worse all the time. One day when I felt particularly desperate and thought I had hit my bottom, a moment of clarity came. I was able to calm myself down. I realized how powerless I was over this disease of alcoholism and I turned to my Higher Power with boundless faith. I turned to Him because I flet Him near to me, in the same room. I humbly said these words: “Higher Power, help me. Do something, whatever it is that You think is right. I know You want to help me and can. I trust myself to You. Free me from all my suffering.
I trusted and waited for an answer. It sounds incredible, but the answer came after a few minutes. A series of circumstances sent my husband to the hospital in order to detox. After he was checked out he started going to aA, which in the past he had refused to do. Since then I have never stopped trusting in my Higher Power. I am grateful to Him. I continually ask Him to guide me and to stand by me. My spiritual growth develops day by day, by my attending Al-Anon and trying to practice the program. I feel like a new person.
I do make mistakes and have relapses, but I am also ready to take my Higher Power’s hand with humility. I know He is certainly there to help me and to give me the right directions to improve my capabilities.
~ Italy
When have I felt new found guidance from my prayers?
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I can Overcome all things through my HP who strengthens me.