Meeting scheduled in the Al-anon chat room at 9:00AM Eastern Standard Time
Current Meeting Schedule: Group Business Meeting held in this room on The FIRST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH immediately following 7PM meeting. ~ (Morning Meetings) Mon. - Fri. at 9am eastern time & Sat - Sun. - 10am eastern time ~ (Nite Meetings) Mon -Saturday 9PM eastern time & Sunday 7PM eastern time
Topics this morning will be: “5 Aspects of Self Care: Physical – Mental – Emotional – Social – Spiritual”; “Open Topic (Al-Anon Related)”.
From "Language of Letting Go" by Melody Beattie:
We often refer to recover from codependency and adult child issues as "self care". Self-care is not, as some may think a spin-off of the "me generation." It isn't self-indulgence. It isn't selfishness - in the negative interpretation of that word.
We're learning to take care of ourselves, instead of obsessively focusing on another person. We're learning self-responsibility, instead of feeling excessively responsible for others. Self-care also means tending to our true responsibilities to others; we do this better when we're not feeling overly responsible.
Self-care sometimes means "me first" but usually "me too". It means we are responsible for ourselves and can choose to no longer be victims.
Self-care means learning to love the person we're responsible for taking care of - ourselves. We do not do this to hibernate in a cocoon of isolations and self-indulgence; we do it so we can better love others and learn to let them love us.
Self-care isn't selfish; it's self-esteem.
Prayer for the day: Today, God, help me love myself. Help me let go of feeling excessively responsible for those around me. Show me what I need to do to take care of myself and be appropriately responsible to others.
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