As my schedule changed 3 months ago, the daily meetings in the chat room here do not always have a chair person. Anyone is welcome to step up and hold a morning or night meeting. Usually 6 months of face-to-face meetings are required before chairing online.
The meeting scripts are available at and for those of you who are computer savvy there are also instructions for downloading mIRC, the chat room utility then enables running the scripts. Meetings can also be opened & closed with the Serenity Prayer.
Other volunteer positions the are open include "Meeting Chair Coordinator." The person takes names of people who offer to chair each meeting and posts the schedule in the "Meeting/Chat Room Info" forum. We had a very hard-working person who filled all the spots in 2015 and I know it's possible to start that up again.
Thank you for all the love, understanding & acceptance here at MIP and in Al-Anon.